
We can help if you require assistance with completing the necessary form to obtain a new passport or with the renewal of your current or expired passport.


Information and documentation you will need:

  • Previous passport details (if applicable);

  • Referee details – their passport number, name, phone number, email address, and date of birth;

  • Passport photos (one digital if applying online); otherwise, two passport-sized colour photographs;

  • Proof of address (utility bill or bank statement with your name and address); and

  • Payment (credit card or debit card details).

If you have changed your name and want your new name in your passport, you will need to renew your passport and provide evidence such as the date of the name change, your previous name, and your new name, as well as the reason for the name change.


If you need to replace a lost, stolen, or damaged passport, you will also need all of the above details.  If you do not have your passport number, you can call 0800 22 50 50 within NZ (or +64 4 463 9360 if overseas) to obtain it.  You will also need to provide information as to when it was lost, damaged, or stolen, where (city & country), and a brief description of what happened.


For more information go to the New Zealand Government passport website here.